Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Winter for a couple of months

While everyone here was so excited about a little bit of snow for a couple of hours, the exact opposite is happening in Canada where my parents live. They are hoping that the winter will end at some point! This past weekend they got another dump of snow and my mom sent me some pictures. The first one is of the front of their house.

This next one is of their backyard, with the snow piled high. My mom said that they were running out of room to put the snow that they have shovelled.

The last picture is self-explanatory.

Ever since I moved to Holland 8 years ago I hoped and wished for snow like this! It would be nice to experience it again, but if it lasted as long as it has this winter in Ontario, I don't know how much I'd be hoping for it again! Hopefully for Ontario it will be over soon!

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Winter for a couple of hours

This week wednesday we woke up to find that something very strange had happened overnight;

When it snows like this, it really makes the world look so fresh and new. It's nothing compared to the amount of snow that my parents have had this winter, but it was our first snow this winter, so it was really nice to see. Too bad it was all gone by noon!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

An "amusing" day

On Friday morning Ilianna and I set out to do some grocery shopping. I wanted to stop by house from the three girls that I babysit, to say hello. The schools had vacation last week, and when I arrived at the house, the dad told me that the mom had taken all the girls, plus 3 of their friends, to an indoor amusement park, called Speelstad Oranje. He immediately called his wife to ask her where she was (she had left not too long before), and told her that we were coming as well. So I said, well I guess I'll do my grocery shopping tomorrow!

So to make a long story short, Ilianna
and I then set out to the town of Oranje,
and were there just before lunch.
It was very busy there, and Ilianna
really had to get used to her surroundings,
but after a while she started enjoying
herself and tried out some rides.

Here is one last picture of Ilianna with Justina. You can clearly see that she is having a great time!!