Thursday, August 16, 2007

A trip to Hawaai

Here is a little story I heard from my sister-in-law, Melissa, and I thought it was a really great way to help parents with a child with a handicap, physical or mental. It can be a real comfort to parents who want a "perfect" or "normal" child and who find out at birth or like in our case, when the child is older. We always thought that there was nothing wrong with Ilianna, she was, and I'm not exaggerating, a perfect baby, and until she was 1 and a half to 2 years old, we kept thinking that. So it was a big shock to us that there could be something wrong with her.
Anyways, here's the story, as well as I can remember it...

Imagine wishing your whole life to go to Hawaii. You save up, and plan, and once you're ready, you book your trip. On the day that the plane takes off, with you in it, of course, it's rerouted to... Switzerland. Well, that's not acceptable!! You don't want to go to Switzerland, you want to go to Hawaii, like you've always planned to!! You're shocked and disappointed; but then you start to have a look around... Wow! Switzerland is really beautiful! And it has so much to offer!!! Now you are really glad the plane was rerouted!!!

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