Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A short weekend holiday and a first day of school

It's been very busy around here since my last blog. Last friday we left for a long weekend away. A 3 hour drive and we were in the northern part of Limburg, the most southern province of Holland, near Venlo. We stayed at a Landal Green Park for 3 nights. Check out, go to park info, then click on the map of the Netherlands. Limburg is the province on the bottom right, click on that, and then on De Lommerbergen, then you can see the park we stayed in.

Here is a picture of the house we stayed in. It doesn't look much from the outside, but inside it was pretty nice:
In the park plaza there was a swimming pool;

An indoor playzone;
and a few different restaurants and stores. We went out for dinner in one of the restaurants on saturday evening. Ilianna didn't sit down for very long, only to eat her dinner, and the rest of the time she was outside of the restaurant, exploring and looking at the fish in the pond.

We weren't just with the three of us. Jan's parents, his brother, Sjouke and Sjouke's girlfriend, Janneke were also along.
Ilianna enjoyed everyone's company, and found it quite "gezellig". It was a nice weekend.

Yesterday I babysat again. It was good to see the three girls again after more than 2 weeks.

Today was Ilianna's first day at her new school. Exciting for all of us! I brought her there at 10 this morning, stayed until 11, and picked her up again at 1PM. She seemed to like it for the time she was there, and made contact with some of the children in her group and one of her leaders. This is the front of her school.

There is an area in the back where the kids can play outside;

By the way that she's running in this next picture, it looks like she didn't have a very good time and can't wait to get away from there, but from what I could tell, she had a good time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Crystal,
Nice to see you blogging regularly. I enjoy reading how Illiana is doing and how things are going with you and the hubby.
Happy New Year and all the best to you and yours.
